
How important is the design of your website to be more attractive? When asked why they didn't trust a website, 95% of the comments were directly related to the site's design. A well-designed website attracts more customers, and an improved user interface leads to higher conversions. While creativity is important, there are some basic design and user experience rules that will help you grow your website. A website that is engaging is one that people want to spend time on.

It is also one in which users are active participants who interact with and contribute to the site, rather than passive readers.  In a survey, 94% of respondents blamed website design elements for their mistrust of websites. Only 6% of respondents attributed their distrust to website content. They believed that the complex layouts of the sites were a major source of confusion. Keep the following suggestions in mind when creating or redesigning your website.

You're probably aware that creating unique, authentic, and relevant content is a must for the success of any website. What you should also consider is how you will share it and present it to the world. You've probably heard it a thousand times, but it bears repeating - know your audience.    Trying to please everyone rarely gets you very far, and this is true in the online world as well. So, once you understand who you attract and who you need to attract, it will be much easier to develop a content, marketing, and design strategy that will make your professional website more engaging.

Remember that having only one target audience is also unrealistic. You most likely have two or three main types of users. Your goal is to identify those typical audiences and learn how they behave on your website, such as which pages they stay on for longer periods of time and which links they click. Armed with this knowledge, provide the type of content that they will respond to, place CTAs in places where they are most likely to click on, share on a social media platform that they prefer, and so on. If you own an online store, learning about the most common types of customers will be especially beneficial.

One of the most common mistakes people make is focusing on either new or existing users. However, in order for a website to grow, both must be addressed. Understanding your target audience will also help you understand how to attract and retain new users, as well as how to establish and nurture relationships with them.

The benefits of designing a good-looking website

When you make your website look good, it's like giving it a superpower. People are drawn in, they stick around longer, and they're more likely to trust what you're offering. It's like dressing up for a big event – you make a better impression and people are more eager to connect with you.

  • Engagement lengthens the average session duration, or the amount of time spent on each page.
  • Memorable websites entice users to return and even tell their friends about them.
  • Content such as videos and professional photography can help a company stand out from the crowd.
  • When people can contribute and become involved in something, they feel good.
  • User engagement can also be a strategy for gathering customer feedback.

How to make your website to be more attractive?

You can have the most visually appealing website in the world, but if it is difficult to use, your visitors will not convert to customers. These guidelines will ensure that your audience has a positive user experience.

  1. Make your website mobile-friendly

  2. Simple to find

  3. Easy to navigate

  4. Keep your pages clear of clutter

  5. Use white space

  6. Choose colors strategically

  7. Quality content

  8. Use quality images

  9. Easy-to-use contact forms

  10. Double-check its accuracy

  11. Speed recognition

  12. Include a call to action

  13. Keep your design as simple as possible

  14. Implement best SEO practices

#Make your website mobile-friendly

Every day, American adults spend more than five hours on their mobile phones, and more than one-third do all of their online shopping via a mobile device. Needless to say, the mobile website for your company must provide a positive user experience. If potential customers arrive at your site but find it difficult to read or navigate on a mobile device, they may simply leave and go to a competitor. Furthermore, a poor mobile user experience affects your website's search engine rankings, making it more difficult for users to find via a Google search, which brings us to our next point.

#Simple to find

A domain name that either matches your company name or describes your business in some way is required. This also includes employing technical SEO best practices, keyword research, content marketing, and paid advertising campaigns to drive traffic to your website.

#Easy to navigate

You should also provide a clear way for your readers to return to the homepage, regardless of where they land. A Google search will almost always take your reader to a page on your website other than the homepage.

#Keep your pages clear of clutter

When a website contains too much information, the mind becomes overburdened and unable to retain new information. One way to keep things simple is to remove social widgets from your site, such as a Twitter feed. Remove any widget content that does not support the page's purpose.

#Use white space

Ensuring proper utilization of white space is crucial for a visually appealing and user-friendly website. White space, the empty areas between text, images, and other elements, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall design aesthetics. It provides breathing room for content, making it easier to read and understand. By strategically incorporating white space, you can emphasize key elements and improve the overall readability and navigation of your site.

#Choose colors strategically

Good color choice is super important for making a website look good. They catch people's eyes, evoke different feelings, and help build a strong brand identity. Think about how different colors make you feel – warm colors like red can make you feel excited, while cool colors like blue might make you feel calm. When you use colors smartly, you can guide people around your site, make it easier to use, and create a vibe that matches your brand.

#Quality content

Quality content is the backbone of any successful website. It's what keeps visitors engaged, builds trust, and encourages them to return. Good content is not only informative and relevant but also well-written and engaging. It provides value to the audience by answering their questions, solving their problems, or entertaining them.

#Use quality images & Videos

Using high quality images and videos is crucial for making your website stand out. Great visuals grab people's attention and make your content more engaging. Whether you're showing off your products, sharing testimonials, or just adding some flair to your site, high-quality images and videos help bring your message to life. They break up the text, making it easier for visitors to understand and enjoy what you have to offer.

#Easy-to-use contact forms

Using easy-to-use contact forms is need for ensuring seamless communication with your website visitors. A well-designed contact form streamlines the process for users to reach out to you, increasing the likelihood of interaction and conversion. By keeping the form fields concise and relevant, minimizing required information, and providing clear instructions, you create a user-friendly experience that encourages engagement. Additionally, implementing features such as auto-fill options, real-time validation, and confirmation messages enhances usability and reduces user frustration.

#Double-check its accuracy

It should go without saying that inaccurate information, whether it's a wrong number, outdated product information, or simple grammatical errors, will turn off customers. You should not only proofread each page before publishing it, but also check it on a regular basis, especially after making changes elsewhere.

#Speed recognition

Furthermore, nearly 70% of online shoppers are influenced by the time it takes for a web page to load. Maintaining software updates, optimizing videos and images for faster downloads, and using a website host that can handle your bandwidth demands will help your website run smoothly.

#Include a call to action

Give them a clear invitation to act, such as a button, a link, or clear verbiage. If possible, keep it above the fold so that readers do not have to scroll to find the call to action.

#Keep your design as simple as possible

Limit the use of fonts, colors, and GIFs, which can distract and draw the viewer's attention away from the main focus of the page. Short paragraphs and bullet points also make the information easier to scan and read. This is especially true for mobile responsiveness, which is a major factor in how Google ranks websites in its algorithm. The higher the ranking of a website, the higher it appears on the search engine results page (SERP).  

#Implement best SEO practices

They usually find what they are looking for on the first page of search results, so you want your company to appear there. Google and other search engines use proprietary algorithms to rank sites for search terms, also known as keywords. Crawling, indexing, and ranking are the three methods used by search engines to determine where your listing appears. Crawling implies that they find your site via links from other websites. As a result, ensure that links to your site appear on as many external websites as possible. After crawling bots find your site, it is indexed, which means it is analyzed for content, including keywords, freshness, relevance, links, and multimedia. 


One of the most noticeable changes in modern graphic design is that simplicity has become a fundamental principle. Unwanted elements that used to make old websites complex and cluttered are no longer present. 

Way2Smile Solutions like to stay on top of industry trends, through continuous education and res arch. We offer our clients a full range of online branding services as a leading website development company. Reach out to us to build an intuitive website for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is an engaging website important?
A website that is engaging is one that people want to spend time on. It is also one in which users are active participants who interact with and contribute to the site, rather than passive readers.
2. What distinguishes a website from others?
It should provide users searching for related information with relevant and meaningful information. User-friendly The site should provide visitors with a user-friendly interface. Use simple and convenient tools to make it easiest ways to make your website more attractive to navigate.
3. What is the first thing to think about when creating a website?
Define the site's purpose and target audience. The purpose of your design, navigation, and content should be aligned with your audience and their goals.
4. How to create an engaging website design?
The ideal website structure can be visualized as a pyramid. It has a home page, categories, subcategories, as well as individual posts and pages.
5. How to make an attractive website and be effective?
A good website is easily crawlable and indicates what search engines can and cannot index. Good websites do not have a lot of errors. A good website loads extremely quickly from anywhere in the world. Make every effort to have those pages load as quickly as possible.
6. What are some effective ways to enhance the attractiveness of my website?
To enhance the attractiveness of your website, focus on creating compelling and informative content. Engage your audience with captivating headlines, concise yet engaging paragraphs, and relevant multimedia elements such as videos or interactive graphics. Incorporate testimonials or case studies to build trust and credibility with your visitors.
7. How can I create a more formal tone for my website?
To establish a formal tone on your website, use professional language and avoid slang or colloquialisms. Write in a concise and clear manner, using proper grammar and punctuation. Address your audience respectfully and professionally, ensuring your content aligns with the tone you wish to convey.
8. What are some key elements to consider when designing a professional website?
When designing a professional website, pay attention to the overall layout and structure. Ensure that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly, as this is crucial in today's digital landscape. Use high-resolution images and professional graphics, and ensure that your website loads quickly. Incorporate a clear and easy-to-use navigation menu, and optimize your website for search engines to improve its visibility.
9. How can I make my website stand out from competitors in a formal manner?
To make your website stand out from competitors in a formal manner, focus on unique branding elements. Develop a distinctive logo and tagline that reflects your business identity. Craft compelling and informative content that showcases your expertise and differentiates you from others in your industry. Incorporate testimonials or reviews from satisfied clients to build trust and credibility. Additionally, prioritize excellent customer service and provide clear contact information to establish a professional and reliable image.
#MakeCoolWebsite #MakeAttractiveWebsite #MakeGoodLookingWebsite #MakeMostImpressiveWebsite